School of Sound Sciences
Bringing You the Science of Sound as Medicine
Prepare to be Inspired ..

Clinical Practice
Q-Sonic massage is a form of sound therapy incorporating teachings from across holistic disciplines including accupressure and kinesiology with traditional teachings of sound healing. Himalayan therapy bowls, tuning forks and other sound healing instruments are placed on and around the body.
The sound does the massage, the therapist does not touch the client.
Q-Sonic massage is known to assist with all stress-related conditions.
By appointment in our Cork clinic.

Practitioner's Diploma of Q-Sonic Massage
For those with a calling to study sound therapy / sound healing in a professional setting.
Enhance your existing career, or commence a new career with confidence.
Six days studied over 3-6 months, or with our 6-day practioner intensive.
New course starting every 2-3 months.

Teacher's Diploma of Nada Yoga Nidra
Discover the wonders of Yoga Nidra and sound healing in groups.
sonic massage / sound healing
Clinical Practice
In our Cork clinic.
While we cannot make any claims for the individual, we know from experience that sonic massage and sound therapy has been known to assist the following conditions with our clients:
Stress related problems
Muscle pain
Assisting arthritis
Chronic migraine
Joint mobility
many more

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